Authentic + Affordable!
How can I deny this authentic Upstate experience?
At last, I found a place I can afford to live! I can't afford to buy a real home because I'm in publishing.
This cozy camper is one-of-a-kind! Located beneath the shade of a weeping willow tree, she stays cool all spring, right up to summer!
An outdoor refrigeration unit is located conveniently next to exit!** I'll keep my food cold all winter without the unnecessary expense of electric. Hear that, Niagara Mohawk? ConEd! Central Hudson! Down with the lot of you!
A little duct tape will cover up the holes on the windows and doors. Once we get the padlock off the door, it's otherwise in ready to move-in condition.*** You really must see it to believe it!
I'll have a housewarming as soon as I'm settled.
*2 miles from a public restroom at a full-service gas station.
**Everything as-is condition.
***Following extermination of rodents and slithering creatures.